Who is Life Coaching?
Life coach is a tech support for your life. They help you know yourself better helping you to stop merely wishing for all that you want and to start creating and manifesting your hearts desire.
A life coach asks  you a bunch of questions, you provide all the answers. Then they give you exercises and processes to implement the changes you want.
Life coach asks you open ended questions to let you discover yourself cause your life is yours and only you have answers to your issues and ideas. You have far more knowledge about your own life than anybody else ever could, even if they studied you for a life time.
Knowing where you are right now and where you want to be, and then bridging the gap, is what we life coaches do.
A life coach’s first and foremost goal is to help you achieve what you want to achieve.
Who is life coaching for?
Here are some signs you would benefit from hiring a life coach:
1. you’re not happy with your current life situation, but aren’t sure what to change (feeling stuck).
2. you have trouble staying motivated.
3. you have goals, but find it hard to keep on track, succumbing to procrastination.
4. you have something important in your life that you keep thinking about, but never take any action.

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Analogy to understand a Life Coach.

Smartphone analogy for what is a Life Coach?
When you buy a smartphone it has some default Settings and preferences and as we use it we start adjusting them according to our needs. But we know a lot of people who don’t even know that the Settings, preferences needs adjustment to work in their favor, these adjustment affect the performance of our smartphone in the way we would like it. So you make a work around plan or you just don’t use it for that particular task believing that your smartphone can’t do it. But if you meet a friend who is a tech savvy or call the tech support you will find out exactly how you can tweak the smartphone or they might tell you to download an app to help you do exactly what you want.
Life is similar to this we come with default characters, beliefs and ideas. As we grow we learn to adjust or change them. Sometimes we even learn new skills (app) but some people are not even aware of these default character, beliefs and ideas, if they are aware they don’t have the necessary knowledge to adjust or reprogram their life, a life coach is the tech support for your life or the tech savvy friend you can have who will help you to adjust your life to exactly work in your favor with heightened efficiency.
Sometimes the coach will suggest some exercises and processes to help reprogram our beliefs.
A life Coach analysis the performance and helps you adjust the beliefs and ideas that will help you benefit in what ever you want.
There are 2 steps to this Process.

  1. Analysis of the default setting and programs installed.
  2. Changing the settings and Reprogramming or installing new ones to help better performance.

Money, Relationship, Success, Joy, Love, Sacrifice, etc  :- what is the default programming around these ideas?
How to reprogram them :- by observing the results that we usually ignore.
Example of Analysis and Reprogramming
Default Programming: Its not easy, you have to work hard, There is no clean way, Manipulation is necessary, Diplomacy is necessary .
Re Programming: Trying to find real examples of the new belief, focusing on what you want instead of focusing on something you don’t want.
Seeing occasion in your life when this was not true.
The work of the Life Coach is to give you Tech Support to Change your default settings and help you reprogram your Thoughts using tools and Techniques they have got in their Training.
I am a LIFE COACH and I am offering a Special ZERO COST “Rapid Change” Coaching Session of 20 -30 mins with no obligations.
Get your free session by filling in the form below. Live the difference you have always dreamed of.
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